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Save with Intelligence

Pioneering the way with cutting edge predictive analysis and smart energy management 

ecoSEMS Solutions

From the beginning, we’ve come across many cases where traditional solar needed to be improved in order to manage industry specific energy needs. So, we pioneered our patent-pending ecoSEMS technology to further enhance the capabilities of traditional solar while also boosting overall ROI. This innovative way of approaching market dependent issues with intelligent energy management solutions has enabled us to integrate Solar and Battery Backup to communicate with Smart Plants to obtain energy, sustainability and revenue objectives much faster in line with what’s expected in Industry 4.0.

Data Driven ecoSEMS platform contains large Data repositories of energy use across variety of building types and applications Advanced Analytics Machine Learning and AI approach on Energy Management Reduce energy costs.


Contact us to schedule an appointment. We will be able to help you with the right solution for your energy needs.

Advanced Microgrid Solutions

By adding Energy Storage, you can manage Peak Shaving and more importantly power outage by creating Microgrid solution.


To bridge the gap between continuous access to power and affordable storage solutions, we must turn to smart energy and asset management technologies to make generation more efficient and enable smarter operation, management, and maintenance of solar power plants.

Our Energy Management System collects your building load information and performs energy optimization .  Artificial Intelligence Energy modelling and Building Load Analysis Optimization Techniques.  


The goal of Energy Storage System development is to achieve high energy storage capacity, high power distribution ability, high operation and energy usage efficiency, long durability, and low system cost.  EcoSEMS will do the selection and adjustment of control strategy based on the status of each unit and the energy demand.

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Creating a “digital twin” and using simulations for predictive analytics can make maintenance proactive instead of reactive. AI/ML-based algorithms and analytics platforms can crunch the petabytes of data from the solar power plants and inform everything from the generation to distribution of solar power. In a sense, this digital backbone can not only address technical performance but unlock new levels of real-time financial performance too.

Appropriate design and optimization of ESS is critical to achieve high efficiency in energy storage and harvest. 
Contact us to schedule an appointment. We will be able to help you with the right solution for your energy needs.

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